298: Injury Rehab & Prevention; 7 Functional Movements & Dry Needling - Dr. Carlos Berio

Updated: May 29, 2023

On Air with Ella - podcast episode 298

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Maintaining Our Power, Treating Inflammation and Injury

Dr. Carlos Berio says that everyone is on a continuum between pain and performance, and it's crucial to determine where one is on that continuum at any given time. Carlos is my physiotherapist and is here to share his expertise on how to maintain our power, manage through the inflammation and rehab from injury (or prevent them entirely!).

Get the full episode transcript here.

In this episode:

  • Try these 7 critical functional movements to test your mobility

  • Your back / hamstrings / etc might not be a sign of tightness, but weakness

  • The top 3 strength training moves to maintain strength, power and mobility

  • It's about "hardio" not cardio

  • How to maintain your core - no sit ups in sight!

  • What is adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)?

  • Dry needling trigger therapy for myofascial release

  • Strengthening your immune system reduces inflammation and risk of injury

  • The importance of establishing a baseline for movement and pain/inflammation plans in physiotherapy

  • We can make small adjustments to avoid crossing the line into pain or injury

  • Rejecting the belief that getting older means getting feeble or weak

  • Play is youth!

Muscle is quality of life. - Dr. Carlos Berio

7 functional movements to test your mobility

  1. chin to chest and collarbone (each side; without raising shoulders, mouth closed)

  2. arm up and bend behind you, elbow up, reach for shoulder blade - each side

  3. arm low, behind you, reach up (eg hooking bra) - each side

  4. stand, touch your toes without bending knees

  5. stand, raise your arms up straight and lean backward with hips pushing forward

  6. stand, feet together, hands down by your side, rotate your head and your shoulders and your hips as far around as possible

  7. overhead squat: hands overhead, arms in line with ears, deep sit

More resources

What is frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis?

Frozen shoulder is inflammation in the connective tissue of the “head” of your shoulder, the “shoulder capsule.” Over time, the tissue of the joint gets thicker and tighter, and adhesive bands of tissue can form in the joint. Full range of motion (particularly reaching over your head or behind your back) becomes more and more painful until finally it’s all but impossible.

It appears to happen in three stages: stiffening (or painful), frozen, thawing. The good news is, it can thaw, and with the right treatment and therapy, most sufferers can regain their full (or nearly full) range of motion, and eliminate or greatly reduce the pain. If you’re already experiencing some stiffening and/or pain, don’t wait to get help.


Dr. Carlos Berio is the Executive Director, Head Sports Pain Expert, and Founder of SPARK Physiotherapy in Alexandria, VA. He is a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and a Trigger Point Dry Needling expert. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical Exercise Physiology. His combination of hard skills and an ever present focus on the client experience is what makes Dr. Berio and SPARK Physiotherapy an industry leader in all things ‘performance physical therapy.’

YouTube: SPARKPhysiotherapy

Instagram: @sparkphysiotherapy

Facebook: @sparkphysio

Web: www.sparkphysio.com


Ella is holding a meet up in the Washington DC area (and NYC if there's interest), but we need to hear from you if you're interested! Drop Ella an email or a DM in instagram!

My probiotic of choice: Save 15% off Oxyceutics

I shared why I am loving my new supplement / probiotic for digestion and no-bloating (plus glowing skin?!) in episode 292.

Check out Oxyceutics "Gut to Glow" and use code ELLA15 to save 15% (in addition to the 20% “subscribe and save” discount) here.

By the way, I only take TWO a day and that works for me.

Questions? Contact me

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xxoo Ella