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Understanding Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for Behavior Change - Maddy Ellberger

On Air with Ella - podcast episode 395 {replay}

Maddy ellberger is ON AIR WITH ELLA podcast for women

This is not medical advice. Consult your own practitioner.

We want to change our habits, we often know what to do...

But we don't change our behavior.

How can we really enact the changes we want for ourselves?

DBT might be the way.

In this episode, Maddy Ellberger shares how Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) works to help us break unhealthy cycles and create the life - and the habits - we want.

From over-drinking, over-spending, over-eating, over-working (all the overs!) to anxiety of all sorts, to under-performing/exercising/caring for ourselves (all the unders!)... we talk about DBT tools that can be applied to ANY lifestyle change we want to make.

"When we get overwhelmed, it usually means we feel like we can't take care of everything, and then we run away from it."

Dialectical thinking allows that two opposing truths can exist at the same time.

At its core, DBT helps people build four major skills:

  1. Mindfulness

  2. Distress tolerance

  3. Interpersonal effectiveness

  4. Emotional regulation

In this episode:

  • What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?

  • Asking ourselves: What is the function of the behavior?

  • Engaging in emotionally activating content when we need to stop spiraling / fixating

  • Building and engaging distress tolerance

  • Managing social anxiety (and anxiety at large) through DBT

  • Ella’s current challenge: consuming instead of creating

  • Creating an action and accountability plan

  • Avoidance behavior and its function

  • “Coping ahead” and distress tolerance

  • Dialectical thinking and our desire for validation

  • The goal of DBT is to build a life worth living!


Maddy Ellberger

Maddy received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Yeshiva University and her Masters and Doctoral training in Clinical Social Work from Columbia University and New York University. She completed her internship at Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital and Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, and her post-graduate training at The Center for Cognitive and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (CCDBT). Maddy has received extensive training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Prolonged Exposure and Cognitive Processing Therapy for trauma.

In addition to her clinical work, she currently serves as an adjunct professor at Columbia University in their DBT training track.


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xxoo Ella


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