What you want to look for in your feed....

Hey Beauty -
I’ve changed my podcast cover from “pretty in pink” to something new.
Honestly, I loved the previous one, but it was just too perfect 👸🏼 / shiny/ ‘fitness-y’ - and I am none of those things.
(I’ll own ‘athletic & wildly imperfect’)
🌟 We’re still all about/for women (usually 35+) who want to live better in body, mind, business, relationships, financially - everywhere you want to dial it up.
Not in a “live - laugh - love” kinda way (no offense), but in a kick-slightly-more-ass every day kinda way. 🔥
🍑 And, yes, I'm keeping it cheeky, and never preachy.
But, as I continue to be a work in progress, I want my brand to evolve as well. So, if things look a little different in your podcast feed, here’s what to look for! ⬆️
Thanks for being awesome! I appreciate you so much.
xx Ella